Monday, July 21, 2014

Glowball 2014

Friday night was a very exciting night at the club, as we did our annual glowball tournament.  In the photo below you can see the flag lit up, the red glow stakes around the circumference of the green, and the cup is lighted with glow necklaces.

The course was predominately a par 3 yardage as the glow balls do not fly as far, with 1 hole set-up as a par 4.

Safety is always a big concern as you have carts driving the golf course in the dark, but we did not have any accidents and only a couple small spots of injured turf this year.  Everybody had a great time, there were actually 3 hole in ones, and it will be scheduled on the calendar again next year for anybody that was unable to participate this year.  In the photo below you see one glow necklace broke and spilled the material on a green leaving a couple spots of dead turf.
Dead turf from a broken glow stick

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