Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cartpath Edges

Many of our cartpath edges have brown stripes along the sides.  This is due the extreme hot weather we have been having, currently our fourth day over 100, and the turf that is growing on the asphalt is being burned. 

Portion of the turf that is overgrown on the cartpath
 In the spring it was cooler and moist, the turf was actively growing and growing out onto the edges of the path.  That grass has no root system as it is sitting on asphalt, and as soon as the heat comes then it dries up. Remember back this spring we were out edging cartpaths, and here in the picture you can see this is a path where we got the grass trimmed back to the edge of the asphalt on the right side and there is no wilted turf, but we did not get to doing the left side and the overgrown turf is wilting.

It doesn't take long for turf to wilt when this is the temperature of the asphalt at 1:00 in the afternoon.
Degrees Fahrenheit of a cartpath at 1:00 in the afternoon

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