I appreciate all the readers that have continued to check in on the blog, and apologize it has not been as active the last 2 weeks. This is always our busiest time of the year as we host many tournaments this time of the year before it gets too hot in the middle of summer, some of our larger events that take more preparation are right now, and it is the start of many new team mates on our agronomic team which leads to a lot of training. It is also paired with the opening of the swimming pool, which falls under my responsibility, so that leads to pool preparation, lifeguard training, and planning of swimming lessons. It is also the time of year when we are starting to overlap spring projects with the need to ramp up course maintenance and we juggle trying to perform both sides of the spectrum. April 15 - June 1 is always a fly by the seat of your pants time of year.
BJ has even stayed home a couple days because the days have been so long, she doesn't want to get out of bed the next morning.
I appreciate all the comments and feedback the readers have provided and I do enjoy reading what you have to say back to me, I try to respond to most of them but if I have not gotten back to you yet, I apologize.
We are heading toward more of a routine maintenance schedule now and there should be more time available to keep you guys updated on what is taking place on the course.
Happy Reading