Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bluegrass Billbug

Just like everybody would imagine, we do have chinch bugs just like Carl and it is the way you see it on the movie....Well actually we do not. We do have Bluegrass bill bugs.  The larvae (feeding) stage live in the thatch layer around Kentucky bluegrass plants and feed on the root system.
Turf under stress due to root system being fed on by bluegrass billbug

An approach area of damage
During this larvae stage they are heavy feeders before they emerge later in the summer as adults.  As the feed on the root system, they are cutting off the turf plants ability to up[take water, and hence when the hotter drier weather hits like right now then the dry areas show up on the turf.  It is not a lack of water in these areas, but the lack of the plants ability to uptake the water with no root system.

Small areas of bluegrass larvae causing wilt stress

An insecticide watered into the thatch layer takes care of this larvae feeding problem, and some extra care on these areas will bring them back in a couple weeks.

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